
Tierwanderungen global Geese Ducks Bears Wading Birds Antelopes Black Birds Cuckoos Fruit Bats Jaguars Marine Turtles

Karte: MPG / Icons: The Nounproject

How do birds find their tiny home islands in the middle of vast oceans? [more]
Researchers follow blackbirds and throttles on its flights between hibernation and brood-areas [more]
Where animals spend the first years of their life is hardly known - Icarus wants to change this [more]
Protecting humans closest relatives [more]
How do humans and domesticated animals influence each other's movements? [more]
Supporting rangers [more]
Insights gained from monitoring bats [more]
Many species of East-Asian migratory birds are threatened - analysis of their flight routes could help to protect them [more]
Fruit bats have an inconsistent image. Icarus is supposed to help to increase our understanding of their complex role in ecosystems [more]
Wild cats like jaguars not only roam huge territories, especially their joung also migrate long distances through agricultural und urban sprawl searching for new habitats [more]
Each year ducks migrate from their breeding grounds in Siberia southwards to hibernate in more favorable regions. Close contact to humans and poultry makes them candidates for transmitting diseases. [more]
Icarus enables scientists to track various species of cuckoo on their flights. This gives researchers an insight into what the birds use for orientation and how their routes have emerged over the course of evolution. [more]
Populations of the Saiga antelope have shrunken dramatically over the last years. With the help of Icarus scientists want to determine crucial regions for the survival of the species. [more]
Father, mother child - some geese species migrate as a familiy to the hibernation areas [more]
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